New to Square Dancing?
Modern western square dancing is great fun and is good exercise for both the body and the mind. It's an enjoyable activity for all ages and an opportunity to meet new people and make friends. The attire is casual and singles, couples, and families are welcome.
Our next session of lessons for beginners will start with two free fun nights on Mondays, September 23 and 30, 2024 from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. We're sure you will have a great time and will want to sign up for lessons, which will be on Monday evenings from 7:30-8:30 pm starting October 7.
Lessons are held at the Katonah Methodist Church hall, 44 Edgemont Road, Katonah, NY.
If you have questions, please email us at
This video (from clubs in California) shows the fun of square dancing:
Unlike Eastern squares, where everything you need to know is taught at each dance, modern Western square dancing has several “levels” or groups of calls. Our lessons teach the calls in the first dancing level called Mainstream and later the next level called Plus. Once you have learned the calls at one of these levels, you'll be able to attend regular dances at our club or at any other club which dances at that level.
Lessons at Other Clubs
If you'd like to take lessons, but our Katonah location isn't convenient or you aren't available on Monday evenings for lessons, consider taking lessons at another club in our area. Nearby square dance clubs include:
Square Bears, Wilton, CT